Sunday, December 30, 2007

Screw the shoes!


After thinking about it for weeks, I decided not to invest in snow (shoe or spikes) gear and try the shoe screw alternative.

I prepared them this week so I could run on Adam's RTA steroid course yesterday. More on that later.

I used the 1/2 inch zinc plated sheet metal scres (#8 hex head). They worked great. In fact, I had no problem keeping up with the guys with Kahtoola Microspikes. I loved being able to run down a steep hill of deep snow, and barely slip. Uphill was fine, although I had help with lots of tracks already made (stairs).

I was worried at the feel of something different on the bottom of the shoe. I did not notice anything. I even forgot they were there.

1 - They work great
2 - They are cheap

1 - You can't take the off during the run (microspikes slip of easily)
2 - I put them on regular trail shoes, and my feet were cold and wet by the end of the run
3 - I eventually will forget about them and will walk onto my hardwood floor with them (I am that absent minded).

The run yesterday was a blast out at Richard T. Anderson. Adam made it a near impossible loop to run. It was almost more of a mountain hike than a run.

It's a good place to do hills, but almost too much. Great if you are doing hill repeats.

Luckily I have been doing hill repeats and survived, but I only did one loop. My Forerunner said 4.2 miles. It took an hour and 20 minutes. LOL

I called it a day after one loop as the group all left.

Short recap. Lots to do


Adam said...

I can't wait for the blog post that details how your wife kicked you ass for ruining the kitchen floor with your screws! By the way, were they 2120 trail shoes you were wearing?

keith said...

Sheet metal there anything they can't do?!