Monday, October 15, 2007

Whistlestop Pictures

A view from the cabin we stayed on on race day morning. This is Delta Lake. Way better (and cheaper) than a hotel.
Wild turkeys on the race course. Where is that race course management?
Some of the spectators along the way. I think they are saying "moooove, runners, mooooove"
Yes, these are hunters with live firearms walking down the race course. Hey guys, there is a marathon coming. I am just glad I was not the lead runner... I was not wearing blaze orange.
A new event in ultra running. The porta potty shuffle.
A rare photo of me at mile 26

The boys and me at the Bayfield marina after the race.

1 comment:

Wayne said...

You're looking strong at mile 26.
When I got into town, an old lady asked if she could help me cross the street. :)
