Friday, September 17, 2010

The Mistake of the Bully

Whenever I see or hear about bullies in my kid's schools, I feel a certain amount of rage build up internally in me. I have an intense hatred towards those who push people around just because they can. I especially hate it when I see kids do it to those younger than them who can not defend themselves'.

Yeah, it is probably deep rooted issues from my childhood. Blah, blah, blah.

I made a bully really mad this week. It was great. I think what really made this person mad was the fact that I was not intimidated by him. I just sat and listened, disagreed, and said "I understand where you are coming from, but that does not change where I stand". This person is used to getting his way, and got seriously pissed off when he didn't.

I felt like saying "Dude, let's settle this on the trails" but I don't think he would have understood.

The mistake he made was getting comfortable in his ability, believing his own hype, and showing off in front of his freinds. I held the professional line, and gave him every opportunity to not look defeated, but this is a person who is used to getting his way.

One of the things I have found unique about trail runners, and ultra runners (in gerenal) is their humbleness. I think it comes down to them knowing that anything can happen in a long race, and that intimidation doesn't do squat to a seasoned ultra competitor.

Pounding through rough races also builds up a mental toughness which absolutely transferrs to the real world. I actually thought at point point during the above mentioned interaction "I can sustain this punishment for 30+ hours straight.... you have underestimated your opponent".

So yes, another strech of an analogy with running, but at least another post.

Oh yeah, I didn't run at all this week. I just didn't happen. I have had thougths that my ultra days could be over. Not that it is a big deal, I am just not fired up like I used to be. Maybe it is because I enjoy my job and family life enough where that void has now been filled.

I have no desire to suffer through 30+ miles of trail racing anytime in the near future.

We will see. A few more months of me being the "road warrior" and I will need the fix.

Check out The Lawyer. She is back from a sabbatical. Welcome back, and happy racing.

By the way, Friday night at 9 in the Milwaukee airport IS the definition of fun.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The answer to the quiz

Steve Q got it right.

A - This picture was taken in Chamonix, France (pronounced Ch-a-mo-nicks for the American foooonetic spelling)

B - It is the start of the Mont Blanc Ultra Marathon (Ultra-Trail Du Mont Blanc)

C - You should be looking for Dave Ruttum, fellow LPTR dude, and rising star on the Ultra scene. Correct that, he is a star.

Coming off a win at Old Dominion 100 this year, a 4th place at the Ice Age 50 Mile (behind 3 of the top runners in the country), I would stay he is.... not slow.

Great race report here on the Lapham blog.

And here are two more pictures Dave sent along. Amazing stuff

I picked that first picture for a quiz because it reminded of the search books I read with my youngest.

And in case you want to try and find him, here is a picture of him before Ice age (the tall guy in the middle.

Great job Dave

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where's Waldo?

A little challenge for you all

See if you can

A - Figure out where the heck this is
B - What the heck it is
C - If you can find someone you know (I can't find the person I think I am supposed to)

Enjoy...... (Pinche F, you are not allowed to chime in)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Revenge on Green Mountain

Those of you who know me personally, know I was defeated by Greent Mountain back in May.

This weeks' travels brought me to Denver. Every time I got in my rental car, I looked up at the mountains and said "That one... no.. that one". Too many to chose from.

On Monday, I cruised to Golden and ran up "Chimney Gultch" to the top of Lookout Mountain. I think it was about 1500 of climb. I passed six mountain bikers and two runners on the climb. I had to flex my muscles just a tad. Great climb, great run, but really not as hard as I thought it would be.

So I cruised over to Boulder today. I saw there was a "Green Mtn.". Must be an omen. Time to get locked and loaded, get my A game on, and get revenge.

Here is a shot at the peak about half way up the climb

The starting point was at Chautaqua park. My brother-in-law grew up on Chatauqua in the Palisades, how odd is that?

Anyway, a lady at the info tent told me which trail to take to get to the peak (there are tons of trails at that park, most people don't go for the peak). She said 1.5 hours to the top. "Running?" No- hiking. Piece - o - cake.
Starting point 5400 ft., peak 8100 ft.

Took me just over an hour. Scott (another trail runner who passed me near the top) snapped this pic

There was a place to sign your name. I did it with an "uff dah".

Another guy snapped this one

Then it was back down. Very technical at times.

When I was almost at the bottom, a couple I had passed on the way up was finishing their hike on the way down (they only went about half way). The lady actually said "are you a professional athlete?" There you have it... I can retire now. That was pretty damn funny.

Go to the bottom and told the lady at the tent that it can be done in an hour.
She took this picture.

That is not the mountain in the background.

So revenge is sweet, and best served up with a "Mojo IPA" from the Boulder Beer Co. Awesome. The Crawfish Etouffe from Pappadeux's was excellent as well.

Time to get inspired